Snorkeling is a combination of swimming and diving that everyone can be a part of. Basic equipment required for snorkeling is a diving mask and an elongated hollow tube for breathing called snorkel (hence the name snorkeling). Additional snorkeling equipment also includes accessories such as swim fins and wetsuits for colder bodies of water.
It is a popular activity among tourists in tropical destinations, and some have even called it a variation of a “sea safari” since it provides the experience of observing the underwater wildlife in its natural habitat. Apart from this, by snorkeling in Montenegro waters you will be able to experience an amazing view of underwater wildlife and participate in a popular activity that is fun and easy, which means that everyone can enjoy it.
Over the years, Montenegro is slowly becoming one of the most prestigious travel destinations in the world due to its rich history, beautiful beaches and a wide variety of marine life. All of these make Montenegro an ideal destination for an amazing summer vacation.