Prednosti rada od kuće na obali mora

Godina koja je iza nas, bila je jedna od onih koje ćemo definitivno pamtiti. Širenje pandemije virusa uticalo je na brojne industrije na različite načine, širom svijeta.

Kako bi se poboljšala bezbijednost radnika i omogućila socijalna distanca kao jedna od mjera za sprečavanje širenje Covid-19, mnoge firme i poslovanja su odlučili da pređu na rad od kuće i internet platforme za rad. Ova promjena je rezultirala time da je veliki broj ljudi počeo da radi od kuće, umjesto dotadašnjih kancelarija. 

Dramatična promjena u načinu ljudskog rada, kreirala je novu kategoriju obilježenu izrazom “digitalnih nomada”. Ova grupacija ljudi prioritizirala je preseljenje iz velikih gradova i gužvi u manje gradove bogate prirodom i prelijepim vidikom i panoramom.

Imajući u vidu ove savremene zahtjeve i promjene stanovanja, odlučili smo da vam u nastavku teksta predložimo neke inspirativne lokacije za život i rad na obali mora, kao i pomenemo sve prednosti koje takav život sa sobom nosi. 

Niski porezi i mogućnosti za investiranje na predivnoj obali Crne Gore

One of the biggest advantages of working from your home beside the sea (apart from the picturesque landscapes, favourable climate and access to the fantastic beaches of Montenegro) is the low taxes and investment opportunities available to everyone with a little bit of entrepreneurial spirit in them.

There are plenty of benefits that make for a solid case when considering moving to Montenegro to live and work; from favourable personal and corporate income tax rates, national treatment of international investors, easy options for opening a business and renewable residency permits.

Apart from the above, in 2018 the Government of Montenegro introduced a special investment program that allows foreign nationals to obtain Montenegrin citizenship through investment. 

Being a citizen of Montenegro provides an additional set of tax reliefs alongside visa free movement to 124 countries as well as the opportunity to invest in a high-quality condominium-type real estate.

When it comes to remote working from your home by the seaside, Montenegro is an extraordinary choice not only because of the low-income taxes and numerous investment opportunities, but because of the pristine and untamed nature coupled with luxurious real estate options and a number of high-end amenities.

The cost of living in Montenegro is very appealing 

Living on the coast in most countries is often associated with high bills, expensive real estate and very costly day to day expenses such as groceries, parking and essential services etc. 

However, this is not the case when it comes to Montenegro since the average cost of living on the coast of Montenegro is much lower than in most countries. This stands out as a very appealing factor, especially to the growing number of digital nomads and people that now have the opportunity to work from anywhere in the world.  Working remote is no longer solely a way to save some extra cash but a way to change our surroundings and trade in our fast-paced city lives for one that is stress-free surrounded by dreamy beaches and picturesque landscapes. 

Balanced schedule of work and daily life activities 

One of the biggest perks of working from home is the opportunity to have a more balanced work schedule that can improve many people’s time management.

Many employees now have weekly tasks to achieve, giving them the freedom to organise their work schedule according to their personal preferences. This newfound freedom in regard to handling tasks has been proven to bring less stress to employees creating better time management and higher quality results.

Long commutes are no longer required 

Problems derived from long commuting trips and commute related stress are a serious issue a lot of people used to experience daily. With the introduction of remote working, the number of people using public transport and the number of vehicles on the highways has plummeted. 

Thus, the psychosomatic problems related to long commutes such as back pain, lack of sleep and depression amongst many others have been almost completely eradicated.

One added bonus of working from home is more time. Before remote working was an option many people had seriously long commutes with extreme cases lasting up to 90 minutes each way. Nowadays the time saved without these commutes has proven to be extremely valuable, with employees being able to use that period to get more sleep and spend more time with family and friends. 

Montenegro: The perfect remote working option on the coast of the Adriatic sea 

With the year 2021 already well under way, it seems as though that most of us have become used to working remotely and from the comfort of our own homes.

Numerous studies have confirmed that remote working can lead to a happier, healthier and a more productive life. 

After reading this article we hope that you’ve gained more insights about the advantages and benefits of working remotely beside the sea.

If you are looking for the perfect work from home location whilst at the same time enjoying the Mediterranean sunshine or are looking for a new coastal hub for your business – Porto Montenegro certainly has plenty to offer. Apart from long term rental opportunities within the village itself and coworking spaces at our Innovation centre, there are also two fully-fledged business clubs (Ozana & Arsenal), offering standard and premium office experiences.  In case you are intrigued by the rest of our offering, Porto Montenegro resort features a wide variety of luxurious, modern and quality real estate and apartments in the rapidly growing community filled with deluxe restaurants and high-end shopping spots among many other lavish amenities in the heart of the Adriatic sea.